Grappa Property Valuation
The Project is planned to be an open pit mining operation with milling and processing of the ore, with the estimated production of 21,296,000 tons of Measured Resources in the upper 55 feet of placer gravel.
Rocks and sediments surrounding the location in age from Precambrian to Quaternary.
Sustainability for Mining
Appeasing investors and financiers that have become increasingly concerned about financial and reputational risks, rather than paying heed to the wellbeing of local communities and the environment.
The property has a history of exploration and drilling programs which suggests a mineral resource grading 0.2 oz Au/ton..
To verify that the resource database accurately reflects the source documents for the project, the database that was available was audited for accuracy. In addition, integrity checks were conducted on the entire database to ensure that the database is acceptable for resource modeling. The proposed drilling program will employ the same procedures.
The mine is proposed to be a year-round conventional “truck and shovel” operation using conventional gravity, centrifuge, and/or leaching concentration processes (without acids orcyanide). Crushing and high-pressure impact milling is used to make all the particles of subequal size. Particle size will be evaluated to determine the best recovery method for gold recovery.